Friday, March 05, 2010

Don't Miss Our Seventh Annual Elementary School Benefit Exhibit

The art teachers of Blodgett and Seymour Elementary Schools re-enforce our thoughts about teachers as mentors, role models and "gardeners." These talented teachers not only help the students, who range from pre-K through grade 8, to express themselves, but are also instrumental to the installation of the show here at the gallery.

Viewing the children’s art gives clear evidence that the children’s talent is nurtured and encouraged to the child’s highest potential. Truly, the art reveals individual character and personality. For example, one young man created a self-portrait in pencil and the use of eraser. It is incredible. His art was the first to sell. As you can imagine, he was very proud, as were his parents when they joined us the afternoon of the opening.

Half of the purchase price of the art goes to the young artist and the other half goes to the art teacher toward future art supplies. Here is a prime example of the impact teachers have on our students and how our students, these budding young artists, learn that such a talent can be appreciated by many while benefiting to the source from which they were sprouted!

Out thanks go to our three art teachers involved in this exhibit, Kelly Moser-Volger of Seymour and Izzy Dugger and Stacy Griffin of Blodgett.

The show runs through Saturday, March 20, 2010. Please join us in supporting and celebrating these wonderful young artists!

1 comment:

Amarjeet Prasad said...

This is a really good read for me. Must agree that you are one of the best bloggers I ever saw. Thanks for posting this informative article.