Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fusion Exhibition

Delavan Art Gallery is proud to present the Fusion exhibition, on view through June 13. We hosted a reception on May 7 to celebrate the show, see some of the images below. Be sure to stop by the gallery to see this colorful exhibition!

(Above: The four exhibition artists - Catharine Westlake, John Fitzsimmons, Pam Steele, and Diana Gofrey)

(Bill Delavan with Joyce Day Homan)

(Bill Delavan with one of John Fitzsimmons's pieces)

(Visitors taking in the exhibition)

(The hard-working ladies of Delavan Art Gallery)


Caroline said...

As usual, Bill matches a painting.

amazingartist said...

Caroline, you look as beautiful as ever. Hope all is going well. The gallery looks great. Been following the blog in my spair time to see how the gallery life is going.